Just one word of the day
본래의 목적 명사 앞에는 the가 오지 않는다. She goes to university.Just one word of the day 2014. 4. 24. 10:57
Who is she?She is my cousin.I see. She's so(she so로 발음) pretty.She goes to university(본래의 목적에 대해서는 the를 붙이지 않는다). >> 대학교 다녀. Oh. She's a university/ju라서 a/ student. What's her major?She studies biology. /과목앞에는 the를 붙이지 않는다./
여드름 났어요- rash!!Just one word of the day 2014. 4. 23. 16:00
What's wrong?I have another rash on my face.Do you have anything for it?I have been applying ointment. However, I stopped because it was making | it worse. The only thing to do is wash your face more gently in the morning and in the evening. Thanks for the advice. Gently: 2 gently/gently does it!British Englishspokenused to tell someone to be careful when they are handling something, moving some..