2014. 3. 19. 20:02
- 반복적으로 일어나는 일 (습관)
I do yoga first thing in the morning.
*단순현재+ 빈도부사: always, often, usually, sometimes, (rarely, hardly,ever, seldom), never
:not 부정어를 쓰면 안됨, 거의~ 않다(부정어)
ex) I rarely/ hardly drink coffee. I prefer fruity tea.
ex) I'm an outdoor person. I am never at home.
- 변치 않는 사실
ex) Water boils at 100 Celius degree. (과학법칙)
- 일반적인 사실
ex) Pilates helps you stay fit. (stay fit: 몸매를 유지하다)
ex) What time does your Gym close on weekends?
ex) Well, yoga doesn't require going to the gym. (require -ing: ~하는 것을 필요로 하다)