
  • English
    idioms 2013. 9. 17. 16:49

    Keep up the good work. 

    When you were born, everyone was laughing and you were crying.

    Live a good life

    when you die, everyone will cry and you will laugh.


    If you laugh, the world will laugh with you.

    If you cry, you will cry alone.

    -Old boy-

    Fear is not option.

    Don't choose fear, choose confidence.

    -Oprah winfrey-

    If you focus on what you don't have, you will never have enough.

    If you focus on what you have you always have more.

    -Oprah winfrey- 

    If you focus on what you don't have, you will never have enough.

    If you focus on what you have you always have more.

    -Oprah winfrey- 

    Like mother, like daughter.

    Like father, like son.

    It runs in the family. (가족안에서 흐른다. 즉, 공통 특징)

    I was speechless. 할말을 잃었다. 

    Pain makes us think. (사역동사 목적어 동사의 원형) 

    Thought makes us wise. 

    Wisdom makes life bear able. (견딜만하게 한다.)

    A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.

    I will love you through thick and thin. 결혼 때 하는 말

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    That's one small step for a man.
    but one giant leap for mankind.
    <Neil Armstrong>

    Many people walk in and out of our lives.
    Look before you leap.



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